Baitul Hamd Institute

Learn, Practice, Propagate Islam & Encourage Others.

What Students Are Saying


Baitul Hamd wasn’t just a school for me, but rather it was a sanctuary where I grew up privileged to not only given the opportunity to learn ʿilm as I was studying the Alimah course, but also blessed enough to be taught and constantly reminded how to implement the ʿilm in our daily lives. My adolescent years were all spent there learning and growing; from my pre-teens to my teens staying in Madrasah help built character preparing me for adulthood and the real world.
Graduate with BS in Economics and Finance; Research Assistant in Fintech Recruitment
My one decade spent in this school is not something many can experience. The one and one attention and care we receive here helps us improve in class as well as our studies over all. The effort and dedication I’ve received helped me to be in the place I am today. It would be nearly impossible to graduate hifdh course and stay steadfast through out alim course if it wasn’t for the constant push of Mufti Saab and Auntie. They often encourage me that this is what I’m meant to do and a life style other than this is unacceptable and unsuitable.
Tasnim Hossain
4th Year Student
I began studying in Baitul Hamd Institute in 2008. Under the guidance of my teachers, I was given the opportunity to study various sciences within the Islamic field including Arabic, history, Hadīth, Tafsīr, and fiqh. Baitul Hamd created a learning environment that enhanced the true nature of these subjects, instilling in the value and importance of the dīn in each aspect of our lives. Through this, we not only understood the words written but were equipped with the skills and abilities needed to implement the learning and acquire its full benefit within ourselves and for those around us. Our teachers fulfilled their roles as our spiritual guides with role-modeling the character and etiquettes of acquiring this sacred knowledge and living as a believer especially in such times. They welcomed each one of us, with our different backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses, tailoring their teaching methods to meet our individual needs, ensuring that we were given the tools to succeed both in this world and the hereafter.
Bint Asad
Graduate, B.A in Childhood Education
At Baitul Hamd Institute, I was given the blessed opportunity to study under esteemed scholars who taught us many subjects including Ḥadīth, Tafsīr, Fiqh, and ʿAqāʾid. The teachers created a caring and positive environment by accepting all students for who they were, and this support enabled the students to advance in their studies. The knowledge we gained was taught in a way that we were able to seamlessly implement it into our daily lives and are able to teach it to others. This institute is a place which provides the correct guidance needed to benefit one in the Hereafter.
Bint Ikbal
Graduate, BA in English
Baitul Hamd was the best four years of my life. It took me in when I was young and knew nothing and transformed me into a more mature, loving, and patient person. It cemented inside of me knowledge that I never had before and it gave me a love for faith, Allah, and His words. The people were so nice and sweet, and they treated me like family, welcoming me into their own home and making me food when I forgot mine. When I was young and my hair showed from my scarf, they helped me fix it. And when I made mistakes, they never yelled. The teachers opened my heart, mind, and eyes and touched my life in ways that I can’t imagine myself without. They inspired me to improve and pushed me to be a better Muslim and person. I walked into Baitul Hamd clueless and I left as a Hafidha, with the knowledge of the Quran, some Hadith, and some Arabic and with good habits, like reading Surah Yaseen and Rahman every morning and Surah Mulk and Waaqiah every night. I joined thinking it was just a school but it was actually so much more: a home, a source of comfort, a hub of knowledge, a supportive community, and a journey on the right path.
Zuhra Muzaffar
Alumni Ḥāfiẓah
Baitul Hamd is very welcoming, the time I've spent here made my knowledge expand vastly. I have many great teachers who care and give me enough time to understand all the material being taught. The kind of care I've received from Mufti Saab and others always made me feel very welcomed and accepted.
Fifth Year Student
Baitul Hamd is the place I grew up in and will always cherish for the rest of my life. I am very grateful that I was able to attend from a young age and decided to tread this path to learn the religion. I did not know much about Islām nor did I even know how to read the Qurʿān but this place taught me all that which I was lacking in. I was able to learn the Qurʿān, Tafsīr, Ḥadīth and so much more in this wonderful Madrasa. I have studied under many great teachers who guided me and have made me the person I am today. May Allah Taʾala grant this place abundance rewards for the great contribution they are giving to the Muslim community and grant them great success.
Bint Muzammil
Graduate Alumni
Baitul Hamd Institute is where I was given the opportunity to learn from many great teachers. Teachers are there to teach, but here, in Baitul Hamd they inspire. They were all compassionate and caring towards the students especially our Mufti Sahib. He always inspired us and educated us in many different books. I’m very grateful that I was able to learn from such teachers who dedicated so much time in teaching and made me the person I am today. I will cherish their effort for the rest of my life. May Allah Ta’la bless all my teachers and grant them a healthy and prolonged life. May Allah grant the school immense reward for their effort and forgive them for their shortcomings and help them in overcoming them.
Bint Safeer
Graduate Alumni

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